Our goals

Share the story and get help 

This case of fraudulent behavior of big company should be heard widely to drive the process of maturation of IoT and AIoT environment. We are proud and happy that not only we and abandoned clients find it important. As our blind friend Wojciech said:
"Even if you can never see the sunrise, the suffering and injustice cannot go unnoticed."

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Find justice for users and for us

We hope that among European politicians and lawyers there is a strong will to protect the clients and workers from inequality and large scale business malpractices. We have evidence showing that some of the actions of the company can be considered even as criminal acts - both under Polish, German and international laws. If we will have enough help we will do our best to prove that there is a way in Europe to get justice and regain dignity.

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Provide penalty for the bad guys

We hope that what the company was doing is not the model example of the German economy formula. We also hope that court sentences will help to clear the business ecosystem a little bit - both from not trustworthy companies and from unhealthy malpractices harming clients, workers and our planet. We will try to bring the responsible persons to the places where they should belong.

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Connect, innovate and develop

We want to get legal rights to distribute among users the alternative version of the software prepared by us to give back to the users most of the functionality of the IoT system disabled by the company. We hope it could be done in the form of open software framework to allow cooperation among skilled engineers all over the globe. This should help to turn the pricy electronic junk into working system again and create basis for even wider unification of platforms of IoT systems.

Create positive future 

We want to help to create healthy environment for users and creators of IoT and AIoT systems, clients and workers, that supports long term security and economical usage of resources.  We believe that honest, balanced and symmetrical relations between clients and companies are possible. Only such solutions in IoT and AIoT world can create the path to fruitful cooperation and happier future.

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