Support us

Our story is being told also by our blind friend Wojciech. He organizes fundraising to help us find resources needed to run legal processes and court cases (please see links/QR codes below). Soon we will initiate information campaign within the media. Talks with selected European politicians are also already prepared.

Please distribute this story as broadly as possible. Please support us with donations if you also feel that injustice, inequality as well as harming people and environment should not be an accepted norm in Europe.

Both fundraisings are confirmed with notary documents and organized with EU licensed payment service providers. Payments of donations are convenient. And there is no fees or commissions.

Methods of payments

If you consider to donate more than 1300 Euro please consider splitting planned amount to fit under this threshold and transferring donations by few persons - this will make life of Wojciech much more easy. If splitting is not possible please contact Wojciech directly.

Support Levels

As the donations have their rules they should not be connected with any offerings related with the organizer of the fundraisers. We can not warrant any special support, software or do any offers to identified donors. Everyone can try to contact us even if he/she is not a donor - we will try to find time to answer. But if you will be an identified donor you can assume that your avatar here will have the following (cumulating) abilities related to your support:


1-10 Euro

Can be proud that selected  the bright side! :)
Mobirise Website Builder

11-30 Euro

Can receive dedicated thank-you notice.
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31-50 Euro

Can send a short message which will be transferred to the heads of the company.
Mobirise Website Builder

51-100 Euro

Can have access to the status and details of related closed court cases.
Mobirise Website Builder

101-300 Euro

Can have access to the status and partial details of related ongoing court cases. Can be included in the list of most active supporters
Mobirise Website Builder

301-500 Euro

Can have access to the status and most details of related ongoing court cases. Can communicate with members of the former QA/Test team.
Mobirise Website Builder

501-1000 Euro

Can communicate with members of the former HW team and discuss the details of eventual further development.
Mobirise Website Builder

1001-3000 Euro

Can communicate with members of the former Cloud team and discuss the details of eventual development. Can propose legal strategies to our HC.
Mobirise Website Builder

3001+ Euro

Can discuss the situation and strategies with our HC and can suggest claims to be presented to the company during negotiations and/or processes.

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